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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie  ids Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 26, 2011Y
Mom, for the 3rd time =)

Baby at 8 wks old

I'm back on the blog with great news =).... I'm pregnant again!!! Hahaha... Yes, finally I've got the time to blog. It's been a tramatic past few weeks for me. I discovered I'm pregnant about a month ago, then I started to bleed. Can you imagine fearing everytime whenever I go to the toilet? Why why why? I was thinking to myself. Why is it so different this time?

It's been a draggy 3 wks for me ever since I know I'm pregnant, I fear that I will miscarriage again due to the fact that I'm bleeding everyday. I've gone to my gynae and there's no heartbeat yet since it's still an early pregnancy. You bet that I'm stressful too...  I'm made to be on strict bedrest. I walked too much, I bleed... I can't send my boys downstairs to take school bus, can't pick them up from school. I can't even sit too long on my desk to do my work... it's so sensitive that it's driving me crazy. All I can do is eat and sleep and I've of course put on weight. Luckily my boys are old enough to understand my condition and we've been fine-tuning them to the news.

And this week at 8 wks old, I went to my gynae again. Well, Dr Chong told me point blank: "Mag, if there's still no heartbeat by now, then that's not a good news."... It seems like eternity for me when he kept searching for the foetus, and when he finally found the foetus, my heart is pounding like mad... I made sure I kept my eyes wide open to help him look for heartbeat,  and he found it! You can imagine my relief... Still I have to have a hormone jab every 2 wks to stabilise my condition. Can't walked too much too cos I'm still spotting. Now all I'm praying hard now is for smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. =)

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Sunday, February 6, 2011Y
Eve of Chinese New Year

I was up early on the eve of CNY at 530am, to get Ayden ready for school since it's only half a day. After the school bus picked him, I went to the market to try get some breakfast and boy, was I surprise! At 6am in the morning, people were already queuing up for food on new year's eve. It's the roasted duck/pork stall in the market.... Guess that's a staple food for everyone's reunion dinner...

Look at the queue at 6am in the morning!

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A glutton at home!

Yapz... I have a glutton at home and that's Alsten!!! He eats none stop, he just can't stop moving his mouth... either he snacks alot or he drinks milk alot. So not surprisingly, he will even request for supper at about 11pm, that is if he's still not asleep. And the other day, he stayed up a little later than usual, wanted supper again and he actually doze off at he dining table.... Poor boy, very tired but still insisted on eating till he's bursting to the rim before he's willing to sleep. I tried waking him up and he even remembered his last spoon of rice to finish up before he heads to the room... hahahaha....

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Alsten's in Nursery

Alsten's in Nursery now, at the same school which Ayden attended when he was young, Soka Kindergarten. The school bus comes pick him up at about 1015am and he won't be back till about 440pm, that's a good 6 hours off for me on school days. And Ayden goes to school at 12pm and won't be back till about 7pm... Geez, my afternoons are just so lovely, for me to do all things that I need to do... what more can I ask for?

Smiling, all the way to school!

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Primary 1

Yeh.. I know... A super long back-dated post. I should have done it last month but simply got too many things tied up.... Well, Ayden's doing well in primary school... He's the class monitor-cum-assistant group leader, a post that he's extremely proud of. Let's hope that he's as good as he can get and I'm praying hard that there won't be too much of school homework cos I'm simply too lazy to sit and drill him.. .gosh, sometimes I think I'm the laziest mom around!

1st day of school... and all parents are so kan-cheong

All the boys and girls getting ready to enter into their classes

All parents trying to peep into the classes....

And I managed to take a quick pic of Ayden, seated in front of the teacher's desk...

ends at 5:01 PM

Saturday, January 1, 2011Y
A brand new house!!!

I've finally moved back home about a week ago. Well, though I can say that we are about almost settled down but my kids are still sleeping in my room. Their bed and my helper's wardrobe/cabinets are still not in place as this time of the year, delivery is slightly taking longer than expected. So, this is a sneak peek at my brand new house!

Anyway, guess everyone might not really remember how my old house looked like, so for the benefit of all, I've put the old and new pictures together.... hehehe....

We made space for a dining area and a little cosy corner

Now I have a small walk-in wardrobe attached to my bath...

Changes to Ayden's room are just the floor and ceiling

Now it's a L-shaped kitchen counter

Changed the theme of the toilet and added glass door too

A shoe cabinet near my door

ends at 1:37 AM

To the year 2011

zwani.com myspace graphic comments

Time really really flies by too fast... Now it's already 2011... Anyway, I have lotsa resolutions that I really want to fulfill this year

1) Good health of my family
2) To earn lotsa $$$$$!!!!
3) To guide Eric to change his temper for the better
4) To have more patience with my kids
5) To set aside time to guide my kids
6) To attend more religious meetings
7) To do more prayer
8) To have more wisdom
9) To try not to always forget, memory is failing me
10) Really praying that all things will be smooth-sailing this year for me.....

ends at 1:08 AM

Thursday, December 16, 2010Y
Face/Body colouring

Ayden has been barking me to buy the colour paint or crayon for face/body. He wanted it so much, that he kept reminding me. It's not easy to find it, cos either it's always out of stock or the stores don't really carry it. So, fnally one day, I was at Harbourfront and I found the colour pencil,  I had to buy it! 

We came back and immediately started drawing on each other... it was so FUN! Everyone was laughing and giggling... Ayden absolutely adored it... 

I'm sure everyone will agree on this =)

What else can I say? He owed me lotsa $$$.. hahaha....

A pretty flower for me

The kids drawing on Eric's body...

Does this look familiar? Ayden wants to have stars tattoo, just like my sis!

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My crystal light

As everyone knows, we were so busy with our house and not to mention the shopping that we had to do for the furnitures and fittings. Just looking at lights are already a big headache. We only went to 4 shops, it's getting more and more confuse each time we step into diferent stores. In the end, Eric decided to go for this crytal light... Made of swarvoski crystal, it's damn heavy but very beautiful especially when its lighted up.

Nice? Can't capture it when it's lighted cos it's too bright...

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Art & Craft

This school holiday is a very boring holiday for the kids, there's no activities for them since we are so buzy with our house renovation.I felt so bad, not bringing them out often.. but I can't help it. Whenever Eric and me have some time for ourselves, we'll be working our butt off. The rest of the time is spent lingering around, poking our noses so that there won't be any wrong done to our house.

And I'm so glad that a mom of Ayden's friend decided to hold a small art & craft session for the kids. She's in advertising line, so she's very creative and good in art. I was so impressed with her talent. Though it was only a 3-hr session, but the kids including Alsten and my maid were immersely enjoying themselves, getting dirty all over. And we, parents were having snack and coffee catching up on our kids. It was a success, and we decided to plan it in the June holidays too!/span>

Crayon Chalk colouring

They were drawing clouds

Alsten with his master piece.

ends at 5:23 PM

Saturday, November 27, 2010Y
Metal Beyblade phenomenom

It's crazy, simply crazy.... Kids and adults are crazy over beyblade now, that it's becoming a mad craze. Actually beyblade anime has been around for quite a long time, until recently with the metal beyblade version, everyone's going ga-ga over it. It's like those 'top', which spins around and around.... Only that it now comes in so many different versions, it's got tops in attack, defense, stamina etc... and you can even improvise your beyblade by buying accessories and modify it. Then the 'gun', you have the cheapest version - just a pull string thing or the most expensive version - totally electronic... And you must have a 'stadium', for it to spin and compete....

You have no idea how much it cost just to get it set up. And now even Eric and my own dad, yes grandpa Dick, is mad about it. They keep playing with the boys everyday, and can go on hours and hours. Grandpa finally found something to do during his free time, with all his tools and stuff.... to modify each beyblade.

Dad and Eric have a go at spinning their beyblade.

And they just watch it compete, and loser's out of the battle..

They just had to bug us to bring them to a beyblade competition

See the crowd! Even parents have their own competition against each other

There, Ayden in one of the friendly matches

See that guy in red t-shirt? He's a beyblade ambassador... winners will get a stamp chop from him...

ends at 12:24 AM

Tuesday, November 16, 2010Y
My common bathroom

My common bathroom, with frosted glass... nice?

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We ordered pizza last few nights ago, for supper =p.. And the new 7 cheesy pizza is simply delicious! *Slurp slurp*

Look at Alsten.. slouching and with tomato sauces all over his pjs...

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New nail colour

Told you I'm going crazy over nail colours these days... quite tired of those nude and reds... so decided to go for blue this time.... Greenish blue... and when I wore my flip-flops, they matched! hahahaha....

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Thursday, November 11, 2010Y
Graduation Ceremony

We just attended Ayden's K2 graduation ceremony. Time and again, he kept reminding us... He was so excited that he couldn't sleep well the night before. Mom and dad attended the ceremony as well. Oh boy, I was so proud of him when he did his performance. Every parent will be as proud as can be =)... We asked him what was he suppose to perform as, and he answered "a tree".

Eric was asking him why did the teacher appoint him to be a tree? and guess what he replied? Ayden said nonchalently : " Because no one in the class wants to be a tree, so I raise up my hand to be that, then the performance can be complete". When I heard that, I was so proud of him... never would I expect my boy to be so sensible that he's willing to play a small role to fulfill a bigger achievement.. Well done, Ayden!!!

Ayden and Mona

Soka Kindergarten graduation ceremony

The projects that the K2 kids did. Ayden's class has the best result, their class project "Save our Rainforest" was being selected to be displayed in one of the university in Melborne... =)

This picture was taken by courtesy of Alsten! Great, isn't it?

Mom and dad....

Speech by principal before the start of the ceremony

Ayden as a superb tree!

Standing right in front, giving a splendid performance.... singing and dancing away

Ayden being presented with the medal....

He's so proud of it!

With one of the jie jies, from Soka Alumni

A self-made gift from Ayden to mommy

It says : " Dear mommy, I love you. Thank you for taking good care of me. Love, Ayden"

And this is for daddy, written in chinese.....

Eric and myself were so touched when we saw him in his graduation gown... I'm praying hard that he'll be wearing this gown during his graduation from the uni... hehehe

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